Then as she helps pick out the bra, panties, stockings, and nighties, we will talk about the benefits of having a man “trained” to be a girlie sissy at home, and how your behavior is usually quite positive as a result of having all your masculinity removed.
Good morning my corporate cocksucker,
Something occurred to me over the weekend when you behaved like an impatient bitch while we were shopping. I guess it should not surprise me that times, you revert back to your own ego-driven, selfish male behavior. And you should know better than to do this when I am shopping for shoes, panties, or gifts for my girlfriends.
Walking around with a pout while clicking rudely at your cell phone then claiming “work” issues need your attention? Well, at the time I just smiled and played the role of the sweet girlfriend, but you should have known better.
You should have known that I was planning, already, a little project to re-adjust your attitude. Shopping – with me – should always be about me. If I am going to try on seventeen pairs of shoes, you will respond enthusiastically. If I am going to visit six lingerie stores until I find the perfect French cut panty, you are going to ask why can’t we visit two more just in case.
You are going to carry my bags, offer to fetch me drinks (even if it’s at the other side of the mall – you will run if you have to), you will carry my purchases to the counter and pay while I browse.
Now, you are probably reading this, and thinking, “Oh no. What have I done?”
And you should be thinking that. Because tomorrow (yes, tomorrow) when we go shopping, it will be a punishment trip. An attitude “re-adjustment” trip. From the moment we begin, until the end, painful and humiliating, you will be intensely aware that I can make shopping extremely uncomfortable and degrading for you.
It will begin with the bright pink butt plug and locking harness. I’ll inspect it before we go, just to make sure it’s fit in place and noticeably uncomfortable. I bet you’ll already start to sweat, and we haven’t even started the mile or so walk through the busy mall….I hope that butt plug starts to feel good after a while because the drive to the mall will just be the start.
I am going to make you drive the back way, so we hit the road that is under construction with all the potholes, and the railroad tracks, and the six speed bumps. Poor, stretched, tortured “hole.” Your ass is going to be raw before we even pull into the mall parking lot.
First, we will stop at the perfume counter at Nordstrom, where I will sample the beautiful scents and ultimately select the most feminine one I can find and make you spray it on yourself. If the gorgeous blonde that works behind the counter asks, I will simply say, “You explain it, honey.” You can figure out what you are going to tell her.
Did I mention the pink panties, pink bra, and black stockings you will be wearing under your clothes? I might make you keep your fly down so everyone at a distance will see a bright PINK popping through your crotch area. It will be like a beaming signal. When women walk by in packs, or teenage girls, giggling, I think you will know what is amusing them so much.
Next, the lingerie store. This time when we enter, it will be all about me, and you had better be patient. Whether or not I have “pre-arranged” this will be unknown to you. But I will approach the shift manager and present you to her, and clearly state that I need you dressed in full lingerie, but only after you are measured. When she laughs, I am going to explain that this is going to be what you wear permanently under your clothes.
“He has lost his right to wear anything masculine,” I will tell her. I can assure you in advance what her response will be. She will laugh, and say something like, “That’s a great idea! I should try that at home also!”
Then as she helps pick out the bra, panties, stockings, and nighties, we will talk about the benefits of having a man “trained” to be a girlie sissy at home, and how your behavior is usually quite positive as a result of having all your masculinity removed. She will be fascinated, I can assure you. And in time, her co-workers will assemble like a curious pack, listening and chatting about it also.
What will be most humiliating for you will be how they all look at you, up and down (and maybe pause at the pink patch of panty showing through your open fly) and you can tell they are thinking, “What kind of MAN is this? Wow, he really is a pussy.”
The fitting won’t be complete without a full measurement, including your chest. We’ll go into a fitting room and you’ll be stripped down and I can just hear, already, the massive giggles going on as they see what you are wearing. There may be some questions about the plug harness and I’ll find a way to explain that to the women.
Why would they go along with this? Well, quite simply, they are on commission, and by then they will know I plan to spend several hundred dollars easily. Several hundreds of your corporate dollars. They will be enthusiastic. I am sure as we sample the lingerie, other salesgirls will be bringing in more selections enthusiastically, offering more options. We will try them all.
We will keep going, literally, until we exhaust the sales staff. You will learn the lesson that your sighing, and sulking, and impatience when I shop is not to be tolerated; I can show you a long, painful, and degrading shopping trip. Trust me.
When we walk through the mall later, with you holding a large number of lingerie store bags, I will make you take them out at the restaurant where all your co-workers have lunch and take clients. I am certain someone will come up to us and ask what we are doing and how come you aren’t at work, and are you at a client lunch or taking a day off. They will see the bags of lingerie and I will just smile and say, “Shopping.”
Then, much to your dismay, if a female co-worker is asking (especially one of the HOT ones), I will say, “Show her honey. Show her what we picked out.”
Here is where it gets really, really hot. You see, when you lift the lingerie out of the bag and hold it up, the smiles on a woman’s face will light up a room. I guarantee the lady co-worker, the hot, young secretary or stunning marketing exec, will reach out to touch it and get a closer look. Women with lingerie are like kids with puppies. They cannot resist a closer look.
And they are also very, very familiar with lingerie. And it won’t take rocket science to deduce immediately that my size is a small/medium, and all the lingerie is extra large in size. They will know, my slut, that it is NOT for me. And then the light bulb will go off.
That’s the moment when I will feel my panties getting so moist that I have to shift in my chair. Wearing a summer dress and sandals, distinctly hot and wet, I will enjoy sliding my panties off under the table once they go and making you take them.
“In your mouth,” I will order. My pussy will ache as I watch you look around timidly before you ball up my red panties and stuff them into your mouth.
“For the walk back to the car,” I will smile. I’ll pay the check leisurely and then we’ll finally make our way through the parking lot, with your ass pounding and your mouth full of saliva, my panties, and the taste of my wet, wet pussy.
I hope you are looking forward to shopping as much as I am, cocksucker.
Mistress Akasha
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